
Simply put: I am attempting to create this blog which certainly is a challenge. In almost every other area of life's challenges, things seem to come easy for me, but with this blog, I have met my match.

Saturday, August 4, 2007


Photo courtesy PDPhoto.org

A butterfly came to me today
And lay on my shoulder as if longing to stay
The message that she seemed to say
I'm going home without delay

But into the air I released her to fly
Hoping she'd flutter into the sky
Yet she turned around before my eye
I think she knew that she would die

I placed her gently on a branch
Her wings beat slowly a death dance
To live I gave her every chance
Please be gone when next I glance

One last look I thought I'd take
Oh be gone for heaven's sake
Then I felt my heart would break
She had invited me to her wake

To my shoulder again she flew
Please God, show me what to do
Oh Lord, to me this all is new
Why must she die? I ask of you

When she found with me her final rest
I heard God speak and felt his breath
Behold this creature whom I blessed
There is a reason for her death

The message God wants me to retain:
All things made are his to claim
And when to Resurrection I shall come
I, too, shall be with God's own Son

Her beauty was her treasure chest
God entrusted her form with me to rest
She's now inside my picture frame,
Upon her wings I see God's name

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